Running Facebook campaigns can be difficult and expensive if you’re inexperienced or don’t have the right tools in place to make them run smoothly. But with the right strategy, running successful and engaging Facebook campaigns is easier than you think. Here are five tips on how to create effective, engaging Facebook campaigns for your D2C brand today!
Plan A/B Tests Beforehand
A/B testing lets you change one element of your marketing at a time. This means that instead of creating a campaign from scratch, you can use A/B testing to make incremental improvements to it until you’ve found something that works really well for your audience. It’s important that you test a single variable at a time. By doing so, you can establish causation by isolating each element and determining what has an effect on your bottom line.
Have an Outline of the Campaign
If you’re creating a social media campaign, whether it’s on Facebook or Twitter, it’s important to outline exactly what your brand is trying to convey. In doing so, your campaign will come across as a cohesive unit with specific intentions. This not only allows you to maintain a singular voice across all of your platforms, but also helps you more clearly communicate with your audience—which is after all one of the main benefits of using social media in marketing.
Pick a Location Where People Can See Your Products
If you’re a D2C brand, take advantage of Facebook’s tools and present your products in a shoppable way. Encourage people to click on and like your ads to be taken directly to an individual product page on your site or where they can purchase it with one click. Make it easy for people who are looking at ads to find and buy what they see in them.
Utilize Videos
A recent report by Ogilvy and Tubular Labs revealed that video-viewing on social media increased by 32 percent in 2015. That’s significant growth, but what’s most important is how they were consumed: primarily on mobile devices. Mobile users are likely watching videos while doing other things on their phones (like checking emails or taking notes). This means that not only do videos grab more attention than other types of content, but consumers are actually able to digest them wherever they please.
Use Emojis in Your Copy
Emojis are a great way to make your audience feel more connected and engaged. It’s important for you as a copywriter to be cognizant of what type of message your brand wants to send, but when in doubt, include emojis! Research shows that users feel more connected with brands that use emojis in their copy.
Read, Read, Read!
It may seem like a no-brainer, but every industry professional should be keeping up with what’s happening in their field by reading blogs, publications and articles. If you want to stay ahead of your competition, you need to know what they’re doing—and being informed is one of the most effective ways of doing that. There are plenty of professional publications on just about any topic you can think of; read them.
Crowdsource Images From Customers
Leverage your customers by sharing your campaign idea with them and asking them to submit images that best illustrate it. You could also ask them questions about it and solicit their feedback. Put some money on it—the winning image or caption gets a prize, and everyone will walk away with a sweet reward for participating. Or, if you don’t want to be too ambitious about it, just put up some free product in exchange for images of your suggested hashtag.
Run The Test For As Long As Possible
There’s a simple reason that brands of all sizes want their Facebook campaigns to run as long as possible: Results. Whether you’re looking at video views, post engagement or sales, running tests for longer periods of time is almost always going to produce better data. So, how can you get your posts shown for as long as possible?